Worst story ideas ever, part 1

I recently signed up with a news service in order to promote my book. They send me headlines of stories that journalists want to write, I reply if someone is writing a story I’m expert on.

This is very boring as I have to read 100 headlines for every one I reply to. And some of these are ridiculous. Therefore, I will mock them.

Signs The Universe Is Trying To Hook You Up With “The One”

you become spaghettified as you pass the event horizon of a black hole

tips to make sure you and your employees aren’t breaking the law

discard the business model of robbing banks

Strategies to Increase Your Organization’s Market Share

sell more things

How sleep can help your skin look better

avoids needing to use meth to stay awake

The Health Benefits Of Sleeping With Your Dog

people with germs tend to avoid people who practice bestiality

Looking for sources for a story about pet sharks

the longer you wait, the harder they are to find

How to microwave sweet potatoes

if this is unclear, a kitchen contains sharp objects and you should not be near them

Ways to Use Canned Sardines in Cooking

getting your in-laws to leave early

Bonding with horses

you should talk to that guy with the dog

Get Message URL

Get Message URL is free of charge to purchasers of Take Control of Your Productivity. If you use this software and have not purchased a copy, please do so.

Get Message URL creates a URL for any message you’ve selected in Mac Mail and puts it on the clipboard, which you can paste into any application with a text field. Most apps then let you click on the link; otherwise, you can select it, right-click on it, and choose Open URL from the contextual menu.

Use instructions on the Take Control blog.


1.0.1, July 16 2018: Initial release and minor documentation edits


This software is unsupported, but if you send email to takecontrol [at this website’s domain] with the subject line “Get Message URL:” followed by your subject, your email may be used to update and improve this app, if any such updates are released. (That’s the boilerplate; I can’t make any promises that there will improvements, fixes, or any other updates. That’s not say I won’t.)

This software is provided as-is and with no warranty. The user assumes all risk from the use of this software. It has been tested on macOS 10.13, and may not work properly on older or newer Mac operating systems. This software is © Jeff Porten 2018. All rights reserved. alt concepts inc., the publisher of the Take Control ebook series, has no involvement in nor responsibility for this software.

Get Message URL 1.0.1