I’m Jeff Porten, and I wear several hats.
I’m a Macintosh, IT, and business development consultant, and all-around Mac guru. I do consulting on all of the above, primarily for small and medium-sized businesses and nonprofits.
I’m a freelance writer, with most of my work centered around the above. I write regularly for TidBITS, and I used to write for Macworld and other IDG publications. With the publication of Take Control of Your Productivity, I’m branching out as a productivity consultant and speaker. Same focus as my Mac and IT consulting: small businesses, nonprofits, teams at larger companies, and self-employed jacks of all trades. My first book, The Twentysomething Guide to Creative Self-Employment, was published back when I actually was twentysomething.
My home territory is roughly anywhere between New York and Washington, DC. I’m on the road elsewhere frequently.
I am usually involved with various nonprofits and progressive activism. I am the Chair of the Board of Student Pugwash USA, with prior stints as an officer or advisor at the World Federalist Movement, ISODARCO, the Kappa Alpha Society, and “Noodle Club” (a networking group for nonprofits in Washington, DC).
Finally, I play a hell of a lot of poker, and I appear to be reasonably good at it.
Feel free to reach me by email.